Course NumberOffering DepartmentCourse Title
01:667:281/ 01:510:209 Medieval Studies/ History Emergence of Medieval Europe
01:667:220/ 01:510:222/ 01:489:220:90/ 01:190:220:90 Medieval Studies/ History/ Greek Studies / Classics Greek Food from Antiquity to Today
01:013:201 AMESALL Classical Literatures of Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia
01:082:105 Art History Introduction to Western Art History (pre-history to 1400)
01:082:203 Art History Sacred Sites: Materializing and Experiencing the Divine
01:082:320 Art History Islamic Art & Architecture

Asian Languages and Cultures

East Asian Civilizations: Premodern Era
01:358:304 English Medieval Literature of Dissent
01:358:411 English Old English Language and Literature
01:358:422 English Seminar: Topics in Medieval Literature and Culture
01:420:216 French French Literature from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment
01:420:218 French French Literature from the Middle Ages to the Enlightenment Honors
01:420:315 French French Civilization from the Middles Ages to the Revolution
01:506:101 History World History
01:506:271/ 01:685:208/ 01:563:201 History/ Middle Eastern Studies/ Jewish Studies Jewish History I: Ancient and Medieval
01:510:101 History Ancient and Medieval Europe
01:510:255:90 History Dracula: Facts & Fictions
01:565:483 Japanese From Text to Image in Japanese Art
01:730:304 Philosophy Origins of Medieval Philosophy
01:840:226  Religion Islam
01:840:311 Religion Christians, the ‘Other,’ and Violence
01:840:368 Religion Hindu Philosophy
01:840:403 Religion Vedanta Sutra